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20 Effective Ways to Keep Your House Clean

Posted by on September 28, 2023 in Cleaning Tips


Maintaining a clean and tidy home is a goal we all strive for. However, it can be challenging to keep up with the demands of daily life. The good news is that there are numerous ways to clean your house effectively, and you don’t always need fancy cleaning products. In this guide, we’ll explore 20 practical and eco-friendly ways to clean your house, creating a healthier and more inviting living environment.


clean house


1. Declutter Regularly:

  • Start with decluttering to make cleaning more manageable. Donate or discard items you no longer need.

2. Make a Cleaning Schedule:

  • Create a cleaning schedule to break down tasks into manageable chunks and prevent overwhelm.

3. Dust and Vacuum Regularly:

  • Dust surfaces and vacuum carpets and floors frequently to reduce allergens and keep your home fresh.

4. Use Microfiber Cloths:

  • Microfiber cloths are excellent for dusting, as they trap particles effectively without the need for chemicals.

5. DIY All-Purpose Cleaner:

  • Create an all-purpose cleaner by mixing equal parts water and white vinegar in a spray bottle.

6. Natural Air Fresheners:

  • Freshen the air naturally by simmering citrus peels or using essential oil diffusers.

7. Baking Soda Scrub:

  • Use baking soda as a gentle abrasive for cleaning sinks, tubs, and ovens.

8. Lemon for Shine:

  • Lemon juice can clean and shine surfaces like stainless steel and glass.

9. Vinegar for Hard Water Stains:

  • Remove hard water stains with a mixture of vinegar and water.

10. Carpet Stain Remover: – Combine equal parts water and dishwashing liquid for an effective carpet stain remover.

11. Steam Clean Floors: – Steam cleaning is an eco-friendly way to deep clean and disinfect floors.

12. Reusable Cleaning Cloths: – Use reusable cleaning cloths instead of disposable ones to reduce waste.

13. Vinegar for Dishwasher: – Clean your dishwasher by running a cycle with vinegar to remove buildup.

14. Lemon and Salt for Cutting Boards: – Sprinkle salt on a cutting board, then scrub with half a lemon to remove stains and odors.

15. Unclog Drains Naturally: – Pour a mixture of baking soda and vinegar down the drain to clear clogs.

16. Homemade Glass Cleaner: – Mix water and rubbing alcohol in a spray bottle for streak-free glass cleaning.

17. Use a Squeegee: – A squeegee is excellent for cleaning glass shower doors and windows.

18. Natural Pest Control: – Use natural remedies like peppermint oil or vinegar to deter pests.

19. Clean Your Fridge Regularly: – Keep your fridge clean to prevent food odors and spoilage.

20. Recycle and Dispose of Responsibly: – Dispose of waste properly by recycling and following local guidelines for hazardous materials.


The deep house cleaning checklist at Go Cleaners London


Keeping your house clean doesn’t have to be a daunting task, and you don’t need a cabinet full of chemicals to do it. By incorporating these eco-friendly cleaning methods and tips into your routine, you can enjoy a cleaner, healthier home environment while reducing your impact on the planet. Happy cleaning!



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